This is Jesus 2.3 i've finally come back. You all screwed up the message that Jesus 1.0 brought you. I'm here to make things clear. I'm no god though, i'm just a man. I'm not here to feed you any cosmic debris, and I'm no Guru either. What I offer is food for thought, for those with time to kill.
Mr. Jesus 2.3, representing "The God of Abraham"

In reality I've been labeled Mr. Jesus 2.3, by the "international Fellowship of Christians & Jews", who have pushed the envelope with 'The God of Abraham", but the truth is that I'm virtually Jesus Christ, and I'm the master of my own domain. I'm a mastermind, who has mastered his mind. I'm not here to save your butt, but I'm here to tell you the truth. If you can't cope with that reality, don't blame me at all. I know my reason for being here, and thank ALLAH for giving me life.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Jesus Christ!!! The truth about christ & mass
Hey one and all It's me again, Mr. Jesus 2.3!
I'm not the first guy to go by that name,
do you remember who that other guy was?
I know he wasn't a GOD, and neither am I,
no matter what the "International Fellowship of Christians & Jews" believe,
even if they think they know what the GOD of ABRHAM wants.
I'm not the judge, but I was born dan the man, do you know what that means?
My middle name is Harold, I'm not lying to you, and I'm hear to Proclaim the truth of Islam!
I was nurtured in the womb of Gabrielle, no angel, but she is my Mother;
The Qur'an was delivered by an angel named Gabriel,
and Mohammad was the Messenger who received it!
Allahumma salli ala Muhammad.
I'm just the guy who is here to tell you the truth,
I may not be what you expected,
but in reality I'm here at this very moment!
What do you think you can do about it,
or do you believe something else still?
Just so you know, it's all in your head, you only need to reread everything again.
And decide if I'm messin' with your head, because I'm not the new Messiah,
I'm just a Muslim Master Mind, who has mastered his mind,
a peaceful warrior for ALLAH, and yes, I'm HIS slave,
but in my mind I'm as free as can be!
You could even make the argument that It feels like teen spirit,
or God forbid, that concept they call Nirvana.
But in reality Nirvana is mental masturbation,
and look what all the money did to Kurt,
maybe it has something to do with cocaine too,
does it really matter since the guy is dead!
With an Everlasting Love,
Now, & Forever Always,
virtually yours,
Jesus freakin' Christ!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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Monday, September 13, 2010
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Sunday, September 5, 2010
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
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Monday, June 21, 2010
The TRUTH is stranger than fiction, because it is REALITY
I have not come from ONE STEP BEYOND.
i am merely a few STEPS AHEAD of the rest of you.
I'm hear to help you all catch up,
I HOPE i make everything perfectly CLEAR,
but i'm just a man, you must make the CHANGE yourself,
and you must do it while you are here!
In REALITY it isn't that hard to do.
To get your start, you don't need to fart,
you just have to recite the SHAHADA.
You must do this from the heart,
and think it through before you start,
but when you put your mind to it,
and your FREE WILL thinks about it,
The WORD's will come easy,
and then you will have submitted to,
GOD's Will.
Peace be with you my friend.
and now we can begin....
I hope all is well with you and your loved ones,
Jesus 2.3
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Knew and Improved Version, at your service...
I was partyin' and lost track of time. Hopefully i've arrived just in the nick of time.
That's the good news, for some of you that'll be good enough; but for many others you're not gonna' like the rest of the story. Tough shit! i've returned to make everything perfectly clear.
The TRUTH to the REALITY is them damn fools at Scientology are makin' a fortune foolin' people into believing they're clear.
While i'm hear to make everything perfectly clear, i ain't chargin' you anything. As far as i'm concerned, you don't even need to pay your church anything anymore! I hope i've made this perfectly clear.
With the extra money you've now got in your pocket, i'd like you to spread it around in your community where it is in REALITY needed. And that is the REASON you don't have to give to your churches anymore. They've got plenty of money, and i'm hear now so you don't have to listen to their dribble.
So, to make this perfectly CLEAR, my mind is close to HERE & i hope you HEAR what i am about to tell you. I'll always give you a REASON, because in my mind...
GOD is REASON, and to tell you the TRUTH, i hear the name somewhat differently than some of you.
What you must understand from hear on out is that TRUTH is REALITY, and REALITY is TRUTH. HAPPINESS is the goal, and you all are being sold a bunch of crap. I've returned to set things straight once and for all - and then we all can get off the wheel!
If i screw this up, don't worry. Either we'll have blown ourselves up, or we'll send jesus version 3.0.
Little Ronny Huckster may have got it right, but it ain't right to suck the money out of people. i'm guessin' l.ron hubbard is suckin' the big one right now. He's probably got a cane stuck up the other end, because he was so able to fool people.
So, for the sake of our story, pretend this is true...
I am an immortal alien spiritual being, call me a thetan if you feel like it, and i'm trapped in this physical body. I was nurtured in the womb of GABRIELLE, and given the name DANIEL. In REALITY this has screwed up the story a bit. They were suppose to name me Jesus 2.0 - but that didn't happen. Sometimes shit happens, and sometimes it don't. There's a REASON for this,
sometimes the REASON is FATE, and sometimes it's DESIGN. In REALITY, DANIEL has 2 daughters that he's called Fate & Design - to protect the innocent.
Are you wondering why i'm now jesus 2.3? Hears the REASON for that: DANIEL started a blog called PassionateReason because WISDOM told him to "be anonymous, but please tell us the TRUTH." So this is what DANIEL did. Nobody seemed to be listening though.
So DANIEL came up with an alternate REALITY, but this alternate REALITY, is in REALITY DANIEL's TRUTH. By shear coincidence, you may even recognize some of it as another TRUTH. You'll have to figure that out on your own.
This alternate REALITY, that in REALITY is the TRUTH is DANIEL's blog called, immaculatelystoned. You see, in REALITY jesus 2.3 is a stoner. Sorry if you think that's bad news. It's possible that when jesus 1.0 was turning that water into wine, he may have also turned some hemp rope into fine lebanese hash. If i was there, i would have told everybody to drink the wine in moderation, but enjoy the hash - it won't kill you.
Everybody got so stoned though, they forgot the part about moderation, and how the hash won't kill you. C'est la vie!
As you can imagine, not many people believe that some immaculately stoned guy knows what the TRUTH is to our common REALITY. Therefore, this new blog. Miraculously, i am hear now, just call me...