Mr. Jesus 2.3, representing "The God of Abraham"

Mr. Jesus 2.3, representing "The God of Abraham"
In reality I've been labeled Mr. Jesus 2.3, by the "international Fellowship of Christians & Jews", who have pushed the envelope with 'The God of Abraham", but the truth is that I'm virtually Jesus Christ, and I'm the master of my own domain. I'm a mastermind, who has mastered his mind. I'm not here to save your butt, but I'm here to tell you the truth. If you can't cope with that reality, don't blame me at all. I know my reason for being here, and thank ALLAH for giving me life.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A man touching the mind of his doG. Image created with Love.

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  1. The mutt doesn’t appear to be too thrilled with you touching anything of his.
    Jesus 3.0

  2. You can't be jesus 3.0 because jesus was known to tell the truth. The doG is a she, and not a he; it's looking at you and not at me.
    What do you think is on the doGz mind, i know i can't think like a doG - but it appears you think that you can.
    Head off to P-town, down 13th street way, you can enter the church and play with the cans. Maybe they can clear the shit from your mind.
    While you are there check out the UFO & put some seaman in your ear. Now you can pee in your loincloth, if you're wearing one down there.

  3. Depends.
    Jesus 3.0

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Touché #3,
    You've just made me laugh.
    I hope you're laughing too,
    As His plan unfolds, it also comes together.
    If all goes well, the world won't be needing you.

    But come to the party just the same!
    We'd love to have you and your friends.

    (did i mention, nobody's perfect? but i think this is just right)


i have nothing to hide.
you may hide what is on your mind, or be my guest and let us all know what you're thinking...