Mr. Jesus 2.3, representing "The God of Abraham"

Mr. Jesus 2.3, representing "The God of Abraham"
In reality I've been labeled Mr. Jesus 2.3, by the "international Fellowship of Christians & Jews", who have pushed the envelope with 'The God of Abraham", but the truth is that I'm virtually Jesus Christ, and I'm the master of my own domain. I'm a mastermind, who has mastered his mind. I'm not here to save your butt, but I'm here to tell you the truth. If you can't cope with that reality, don't blame me at all. I know my reason for being here, and thank ALLAH for giving me life.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I have submitted to God's Will, and have tasted the water. Will you?


  1. I'm Jesus 3.0, ttku ffs.

  2. I'm not sure what you're taling about my friend.

    Try these initials: S-L-M
    tell me what you find.

    If that means nothing to you, try my youtube videos on for size. The channel to look for is:
    or find me at the channels hangin' out with my friends.
    I'm dannymac to them. You may know some of them, but if you're just a puppy, don't muck things up.
    Although the truth to the reality, there ain't shit you can do.

  3. Your friends at openly mock you. I completely understand why.
    Jesus 3.0

  4. From what I read, your friends on channels are calling you a delusional fucktard.
    Jesus 3.0

  5. You do have something to hide, by not allowing comments to be posted without your approval.
    Jesus 3.0

  6. Sorry to dissapoint you my friend. I'm not sure why the comments didn't post. I'm not afraid of you, that's for sure.
    As for the delay in checking your comments out, well - it's just that I have a life.
    Don't you?
    Just be patient my friend. Haven't you heard it's a virtue?

  7. There are no followers yet.
    Be the first!
    No surprises there,then.


i have nothing to hide.
you may hide what is on your mind, or be my guest and let us all know what you're thinking...